JMS request is used to operate on a JMS queue or topic, like sending messages to a queue.
Supported JMS providers: ActiveMQ, Solace.
Actions available: Send (and optionally Also Receive), Browse Queue, Clear Queue, Check Queue Depth, Publish.
Endpoint Details
To operate on a JMS queue or topic, some endpoint parameters are needed.
Send Action
Send action is used to send a JMS message into a queue.
You can do one-way/fire-and-forget style invocation, i.e. send message to queue and done.
You can also do request-reply style invocation, i.e. send message to request queue and receive another message from reply queue. For example:
Message body can be XML, JSON, or any other text format.
Click Do
button to Send the message and receive the reply.
Browse Action
Browse action is used to read a message from a queue without deleting the message.
You can browse the queue by message index or by a substring (in message body).
Click Do
button to read the message.