
A property in API Test Base is a named String.

A property can be defined in various ways and scopes, and used in request, test case, test step, assertion or HTTP stub with syntax ${<Property_Name>}, e.g. ${Output_Queue_Name}.

User Defined Properties

You can define custom properties in a request or test case on the Properties tab, then use them in the request, test steps or assertions.

You can double click the property value cell (after entering edit mode) in the grid to pop out a textarea to edit big text, especially one with line breaks, like JSON or XML.

A straightforward usage of user defined property is that it can be defined once and used multiple times in the same request or test case.

Another usage is pattern based test case creation. If already familiar with a test pattern, you can define a test case as template to capture the test steps. You can then define properties on the template test case and reference them in the test steps. To create a new test case, copy corresponding test case template, tailor the test steps as appropriate (such as removing unnecessary steps), enter the property values and the new test case is ready to run. There is no need for you to dive into any test step to locate and enter those values. This treats the test case somewhat like a black box and properties like the arguments to the black box, hence increasing the speed of test case creation.

Implicit Properties

These are properties dynamically created by API Test Base on running a test case or test step.


The timestamp when the test case run starts. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 1997-01-31 09:26:50.124.


The timestamp when the test step run starts. Format is same as Test_Case_Start_Time.


The timestamp when the test case individual run (like in data driven test case run) starts. Format is same as Test_Case_Start_Time.


Index of repeat run when a test step is defined as a repeated test step and it is run in a test case. Starting from 1.

Data Table

Properties can also come from a data table. Refer to Data Driven Testing.

Extracted Properties

Extract properties from API response in one test step, and use them in later test steps during test case run. This enables passing dynamic data between test steps.

Currently only HTTP test step has property extractors.

JSONPath Property Extractor

Used for extracting property from HTTP response body via JSON path. For example:

JSONPath Property Extractor

Used for extracting property from HTTP response Set-Cookie header by cookie name. For example:

Cookie Property Extractor

Nested Properties

Nested property, i.e. property inside property value, is supported. For example:

Prop2="${Prop1} World!"        // Prop2's value is "Hello World!"