Upgrade from Old Version


Before upgrade, make sure you exit API Test Base app if it is running.

Download the latest API Test Base installer from the release page.

  • Running a new version installer will automatically uninstall the old ATB version and install the new version. It is typical for you to install the new version into the existing ATB installation directory.

    Your test data, settings, etc. will stay untouched, under the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\ApiTestBase directory.

    When running the new version installer, you’ll see the same security warning as before. Refer to Quick Start for how to resolve it.

  • Open a new version of the dmg file, and you’ll be able to copy the new version of API Test Base.app to your /Applications folder, replacing the old one.

    Your test data, settings, etc. will stay untouched, under the ~/Library/Application Support/API Test Base directory.

    When launching the new version, you’ll see the same security warning as before. Refer to Quick Start for how to resolve it.